for Admissions   :   +91-9133300350/353/357

Criterion-3 Research, Innovations and Extension (110)

Metric No.




Key Indicator - 3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research (10)


Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)

Grants Received

List of Grants received

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Key Indicator - 3.2 Innovation Ecosystem (15)


Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge (patents filed, published, incubation center facilities in the HEI to be considered)


Patents Granted / Published

Granted / Published

Institution’s Innovative Council

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View Document

IEEE Memberships

View Document 

IETE Memberships

View Document 

ISTD Memberships

SEED money-Mobile Tracker App

SEED money-Electric Vehicle

Texas Instruments teaching lab

Hackathons and Ideathons

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View Document 

View Document 

View Document 

View Document 


Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years

Number of workshops/ seminars/ conferences conducted

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Key Indicator 3.3 Research Publication and Awards (25)


Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE year wise during the last five years

Research Papers Published

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18


Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years

Books/Chapters/conference proceedings Published

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Key Indicator 3.4 Extension Activities (40)


Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the last five years.

Extension activities conducted

UBA/NSS/Akshaya Foundation

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18



Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies

Awards Received for extension activities

Recognitions Received for extension activities


Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., (including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs) during the last five years

Extension activities

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Key Indicator 3.5 Collaboration (20)


Copy/ e-Copy of MoU’s/ Collaborations/related documents indicating the nature of collaboration and activities year wise.

List of activities conducted under each MoU along with dates of starting and completion year wise signed by both parties.

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View Document

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Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women

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Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women
Developed by: Mr. Netaji Gandi(Asst.Prof. in IT Dept.)