for Admissions   :   +91-9133300350/353/357

Criterion-1 Curricular Aspects (100)

Metric No.




Key Indicator - 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)


The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment 

Academic Planning and Advisory Committee

Department Advisory Committee Minutes of Meetings

Program Assessment and Quality Improvement Committee Minutes of Meetings

University Academic Calendar

Institute Academic Calendar

Department Academic Calendars

Academic Regulations


Workload Allocation

Time Tables

Course File 

Sample Course file

Classwork Supervision  

Sample report

Syllabus Completion Status

Sample Feedback Collection Forms

Mid Examination Time Table

Semester End Examination Time Table

Project Review Schedule

Seminar Schedule

University Academic Calendar

URL from college website

Institute Academic Calendar

URL from college website

Department Academic Calendar

URL from college website

Academic Regulations

URL from college website

Mid Examinations Time Table

URL from college website

Semester End Examinations 

Time Table

URL from college website

Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)









Number of Add on /Certificate/Value added programs offered during the last five years Number of Add on /Certificate /Value added programs offered during the last five years:

Name of the program, duration, list of students enrolled (with signature of students), curriculum, assessment procedures year-wise

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Summary report of each program year-wise along with their outcome

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18


Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Sample Certificates

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18



Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years: 


Name of the program, duration, list of students enrolled (with signature of students), curriculum, assessment procedures year-wise

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Summary report of each program year-wise along with their outcome

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18


Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Sample Certificates

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Key Indicator- 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)














Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum.

Professional Ethics, Human Values

List of courses handled

Time Tables


Lecture Plan

Gender Issues- Constitution of India

List of courses handled

Time Tables


Lecture Plan

Gender Equity- Activities organised

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18

Gender Equity- Addon Courses Conducted

Seeking Women’s Right

Race Gender and Workplace equity

International Women’s Health and Human Right

Wage work for Women Citizens

Environment and Sustainability

List of courses handled 

Time Tables


Lecture Plan

Renewable Energy Sources

List of courses handled 

Time Tables


Lecture Plan

Green Engineering Systems

List of courses handled

Time Tables


Lecture Plan

Guest Lectures

Academic Year 2021-22

Academic Year 2020-21

Academic Year 2019-20

Academic Year 2018-19

Academic Year 2017-18


Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships: 

Students undertaking project work/field work/internships:

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Information Technology


Key Indicator- 1.4 Feedback System (20)







Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website (Yes or No)

Student feedback

Feedback form

Feedback Analysis Report

Action taken Report

Faculty feedback form

Feedback form

Feedback Analysis Report

Action taken Report

Alumni feedback form

Feedback form

Feedback Analysis Report

Action taken Report

Parent feedback form

Feedback form

Feedback Analysis Report

Action taken Report

Employer feedback form

Communication to affiliating University

Major revisions in the Curriculum

Feedback form

Feedback Analysis Report

Action taken Report

View Document

View Document

Contact Us

Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women

Kapujaggaraju Peta,VSEZ Post,
Andhra Pradesh-530 046
Email id:
Phone No:+91-9133300357/351

College Video(Short)

College Video

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Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women
Developed by: Mr. Netaji Gandi(Asst.Prof. in IT Dept.)