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               Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Innovative Teaching Practices

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering implements various teaching methods to improve the understanding capacity of a student. The HoD hold meetings well in advance to the commencement of class work with all faculty handling a course to discuss the topic wise pedagogical methods to be adopted in day to day class work. For a particular topic in a course either a single or multiple number of methods are implemented depending on its difficulty.
  The Outcome Based Education model is implemented in the department by blending student centric environment with the traditional teaching for effective teaching process by following various pedagogical strategies:

The faculty use chalk, board and audio-visual aids in teaching. The faculty organizes the activities of teaching to bring a desirable change in the behavior of the student. Students are encouraged to actively interact during the lecture hour by getting the doubts clarified. Students achieve the learning objectives of the class.

This method is implemented by all faculties in all the courses of the program. Various teaching aids like chalk and board, power point presentations and models etc, are used for better understanding of a concept by the student.

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Lecture demonstration in classroom


  1. It is an economical with regard to time.
  2. It helps in achieving higher order cognitive objectives like application, analysis and synthesis.
  3. It presents the subject matter in a systematic way.
  4. It develops good audience habits.
  5. It enables linkage between previous knowledge with a new one.

Impact Analysis:

  1. Concentration among the students has been improved.
  2. Student-faculty interaction is improved.
  3. Learning abilities of the student are understood by the faculty.

Inquiry-based learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the student's role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas.

Flipped Classroom:

For conventional classroom instruction, a teacher provides the material to the student and the student is the only person to receive the content delivered. The student does not communicate with the teacher or with other students. Such a conventional training approach cannot allow the student to the entire session. To make the class more involved and interactive, many researchers have implemented the platform to enhance their information delivery. The flipped classroom is one of the educational strategies that reverse the traditional classroom process.

Benefits of the Flipped classroom:
  1. More participation of students.
  2. Versatility for students to learn in time and speed.
  3. Improved Faculty and Student interaction.
  4. Appropriate use of resources by the teacher for constructive learning methods.
Objective of the activity:
  1. Inspire students to learn the concepts thoroughly.
  2. To motivate students for self learning.
  3. To make use of visual learning.
Implementation Strategy:

Students were asked to go through the learning materials, and two days of preparation time was given. Each individual student will be given a question or problem as per higher bloom level and they should complete the task within fifteen minutes.

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Flipped Classroom Activity
  1. Student must account the responsibilities given to them.
  2. Excellence in learning.
  3. Increases the awareness of course.
Impact Analysis:
  1. Improvement in student learning before and after activity is effective


Collaborative learning is a group activity that involves students working together to obtain solution to a problem. Collaborative learning is effective in teaching programming course. Hence Collaborative learning is introduced to learn Java Programming. The basic process involves formation two student groups HOME (JIGSAW) groups and EXPERT groups. The group size would be at most 6. EXPERT group is formed with the leaders of JIGSAW group.

Benefits of the JIGSAW(Collaborative):
  1. Jigsaw is a strategy that emphasizes cooperative learning by providing students an opportunity to actively help each other build comprehension.
  2. Use this technique to assign students to reading groups composed of varying skill levels.
  3. Each group member is responsible for becoming an "expert" on one section of the assigned material and then "teaching" it to the other members of the team.
  4. Jigsaw helps students learn cooperation as group members share responsibility for each other's learning by using critical thinking and social skills to complete an assignment.
Objective of the activity:
  1. Each student develops an expertise and has something important to contribute to the group.
  2. Each student also has a chance to contribute meaningfully to a discussion, something that is more difficult to achieve in large-group discussion.
  3. It helps students create their own learning.
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JIGSAW(Collaborative) Activity
  1. Develops social interaction skills
  2. Cultivates student satisfaction with the learning experience
  3. Improves oral communication skills
  4. Increases student retention
Impact Analysis:
  1. Improvement in student learning before and after activity is effective

Collaborative learning involves implementing projects, writing reports, debates, group discussion and other activities. Collaborative learning can be conducted in the class by using different types of methodologies like Stump your partner, Student Teams Achievements Division (STAD), JIGSAW, Teams Games Tournaments (TGT), etc,.

STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) Method Execution Plan:

Total time required to conduct this activity

  1. Interaction session by educator : 50 min (1 session)
  2. Making Teams, Sources of information: 50 min (1 session)
  3. Activity (3 sessions)
    1. Collaborative learning- : 50 min (1 session)
    2. Individual Quiz : 50 min (1 session)
    3. Group Quiz : 50 min (1 session)
  4. Total sessions: 05
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Students participation in STAD Activity


  • Promotes peer knowledge.
  • Effective engagement of class.
  • Able to develop individual and team work to solve given task
  • Apply their own ideas and thoughts during team discussion during deadlock.

Impact Analysis:

  • Students are directly engaged in the class, instead of teacher presenting to them, which fosters depth of understanding.
  • Students gained practice in teaching, which is one of the most valuable skills we can help them learn.
  • Students gained practice in peer teaching, which requires them to understand the material at a deeper level than students typically do when simply asked to produce on an exam.
  • Each student developed an expertise and contributed something important to the group.

Active learning is anything course-related that all students in a class session are required to do, other than simply watching, listening and taking notes. It shifts focus from what the instructor should deliver to what the students should be able to do and motivates students to be prepared for class, having assimilated material and being ready to use it.
Think-Pair-Share: Think-pair-share (TPS) is a combined knowledge scheme where a teacher initiates a problem and students’ pair with each other to solve it and share their insights to the class.
Process: This scheme uses three steps for active learning in class.

  • The teacher presents a problem or a question and students think individually.
  • A student is paired with another student or a small group and they interact with each other and engage in solving the problem.
  • The teacher asks the students to share their thoughts about the solution to the problem.

Implementation Scenario of TPS activity:
Our students were given a problem in java programming.
Learning outcome: Student should be able to write the program in java for a given task. Problem statement: Recall the string methods to apply on sorting names and search for a given name using binary search.
Think: Individually write pseudo-code for sorting and searching.
Pair: Students form pairs and discuss about the solution.
Share: Teacher collects the solutions from the students and summarizes one solution for the given problem.

Students participation in TPS Activity


  • It helps students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question.
  • It taught students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral communication skills.
  • It helps to focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.
Impact Analysis:
  • Improves individual thinking and leadership qualities.
  • Enhances communication skills.

An open book examination is where a student can take his or her lecture notes, books, copies and other study material.
Open Book Exams (OBE): An "Open Book Examination" is that in which students are allowed to refer to class notes and summaries, textbooks, or other approved material while answering questions. Open Book Examination creates an enriched environment, offering the opportunity to better understanding.
Process: This scheme uses two steps for active learning in class.

  • The assessment method used for the proposed study consist of on-line multiple choice questions, comprising 50 questions.
  • Test results of the examinations were collected and statistical analysis is performed.

Implementation Scenario of Open Book Exams (OBE) activity:
Our students were given a problem in Electronic Devices & Circuits.
Learning outcome: Compare the characteristics between JFET and MOSFET.
Summarize the various types of MOSFET.
Importance the use of MOSFET construction and working of transistors

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Students participation in Open Book Exams (OBE)


  • All the students actively taken the test conducted in open book exam.
  • Few students were felt hard during closed book exam.
  • Few students were enthusiastic to refer standard reference books to learn and understand the concept.
Impact Analysis:
  • Improves individual thinking and leadership qualities.
  • Enhances logical skills.

21st century revolution in the ICT obliges the teachers and students to keep themselves abreast of the-state-of-the-art of technological development. The deployment of them in teaching-learning process is imperative, since the technology is embedded in almost all walks of our life. ICT encapsulates IT and other media such as audio, video, pictures, animation, graphics, internet and other software packages. The use of technology to teach students has gained attention in recent past. The process of dissemination of information and elicit response from students is a huge task.
The department of ECE uses LMS tools such as Canvas, Google classroom etc., to make the students submit their assignments, learn online and implement the experiments to gain knowledge about the concepts learnt in the class. Google Classroom, WebEx, etc. have been utilized by the faculty to teach the courses through online.
A massive open online course (MOOC) courses aims at providing high quality study materials to student/faculty community worldwide. The MOOC courses offered by Course- era, EdX, NPTEL are of high standards. The students are clustered in a group based on their MOOC course interest and the provider. Students are encouraged to complete a MOOC certification to acquire in depth knowledge. The response of students to MOOC course was minimal.
The department of ECE uses LMS tools such as Canvas, MOOCs, Moodles, Virtual Labs etc., to make the students submit their assignments, learn online and implement the experiments to gain knowledge about the concepts learnt in the class. Recently, Google Classroom, Webex, etc. have been utilized by the faculty to teach the courses

Content delivery using CANVAS

  • Solve problems by applying ICT method.
  • Video lectures will be helpful to be accessed at any time.
  • Students can study individually.
  • Enhances the interest of the students.
Impact Analysis:
  • Provide opportunities for multiple technologies delivered by teachers.
  • Provide distance learners country-wide with online educational materials.

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Vignan's Institute of Engineering for Women
Developed by: Mr. Netaji Gandi(Asst.Prof. in IT Dept.)